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Winner Of The Deer Tattoo Photo Contest !!!

tattoos_18.jpg Since May, Field & Stream magazine had been gathering reader shots of bucks and does forever inked on skin for their deer tattoo photo contest. After much debate, they picked this one for the winner. John G. Fedish, the winner of the contest won a Leatherman Surge muti-tool for sending this shot of some impressive ink. He said it was the best buck he has ever taken and he just wanted it tattooed on his arm. He said he just described the last few moment he saw the deer before he harvested it and the artist captured it beautifully.

My Zimbio

Traditional Japanese tattoo show

Japanese show

Japanese tattoos are known for their full body styling, bold lines, historic patterns and traditional images. The techniques for tattooing that developed in Japan used hand tools, and it wasn’t until the mid 20th century that machines first came to Japanese tattooing.
Incredibly popular are the Tattoo Contests, which will be held in various categories such as black and grey, best small piece, best large piece etc., where visitors take part in an exciting competition in which art and fun are the real winners.

On September 21st to September 23rd of 2007, Starlight Tattoo will be accompanied by world famous tattoo artists at the Meadowlands Exposition Center! THIS IS THE ULTIMATE TATTOO EVENT OF THE YEAR! Covered by every trade magazine world wide! News & Radio coverage. Celebrity appearances! Vendors from clothes to tattoo supplies, piercing supplies, accessories, and merchandise. Doctors for laser tattoo removal, Seminars in Art-History and Law of Tattooing. Contests all weekend long! HENNA ARTISTS, T-Shirt designers, SOMETHING FOR EVERY BODY.

leg tattoo
The Times reported that “The traditional show on the Tattoo” was very much in evidence as middle-aged rockers of both sexes mingled with a new, younger breed of heavy metal fans, but amid the throng of Motorhead and Anthrax T-shirts were dozens of stylishly dressed young women, many of them sporting large, but beautifully crafted, Oriental tattoos. The trend for bold statements rather than cute little hearts and butterflies appears to be growing as one in eight Britons are now estimated to carry this particular form of adornment.

Hori Toshi is one of the greatest hand tattooing masters of all times. So do not miss this rare opportunity to see this master working in traditional Japanese style on the East Coast! Japanese tattoo is called “irezumi” or “horimono” in Japanese. In Japan, tattoo is usually considered to be a symbol of a yakuza and tends to be perceived negatively by people. For example, many public bath facilities in Japan inhibit customers who have tattoos from entering. Traditional Japanese tattoo covers arms, shoulders, and the back. In recent years, it’s becoming popular for Japanese young people to get contemporary tattoos.

My Zimbio

russian prison tattoos[Russian-criminal-tattoo.png]

My Zimbio

Meanings of tattoo

There are not all the tattoos, the meanings of the rest I will describe in the following message with photos.Many of the meanings i do not know,they can explain only host of tattoo.

Epaulette - mark of distinction for some merit.

Russian criminal tattooStars have 2 meanings;
1-Vor v zakone.Еlite of russian criminal world.
2-Otritsala.Who not working for administration of prison and does not comply with their laws.

Russian criminal tattoo
Virgin Mary wearer has been a thief/criminal from their early days or protection from some misfortune.
Russian criminal tattooBeetle symbolize a pickpocket. The acronym ZhUK (literally “beetle”) stands for Zhelayu Udachnykh Krazh (“May your theft be a success”). Tattooed on hands, as well as other parts of the body.

Russian criminal tattooChurches - The number of dome towers (cupolas) indicates either number of prison terms or number of years of the sentence.

Russian criminal tattooRunes - One who does not confess, also tattooed as sign of rebellion to authority, again not usually associated with the Nazi symbol.
SS - Sovranil Sovest' - Preserved the conscience.

Russian criminal tattooTiger - Aggression towards police officers.

Russian criminal tattooSailing Ship - Thirst for freedom.This means that the wearer is willing come along with an escape plan. Anyone planning an escape will know that the wearer will be keen to be a part of it.

Russian criminal tattooSpider within a Web - Can indicate a drug addiction. It can also mean that the wearer is a thief. If the spider is shown moving upwards it means the wearer is still an active criminal, if the spider is moving downwards it means that the wearer is intending to leave the thief’s way of life.

Russian criminal tattooSetting sun - this tattoo is usually accompanied by birds flying over the horizon. It represents freedom.

Russian criminal tattooCat symbolizes luck and caution, and the acronym KOT-Korennoy Obitatel Turmi(literally “cat”) stands for Native Prison Inhabitant. The cat is also the symbol of a pickpocket. At one time, a bow tie was forcibly added to the picture of the cat’s head on pickpockets who had broken the thieves’ code and sided with the cops or prison authorities. Now, however, cats with bow ties have become common, and there is no stigma attached to the bow tie.

Russian criminal tattooCat with keys - Thief home.

Russian criminal tattooCrucifix - Criminal avtoritet.

Russian criminal tattooEyes on the upper/middle torso they literally mean that the wearer is keeping their eyes open.

Russian criminal tattooEyes on lower backside that is to show that the prisoner is used for sexual gratification.

Russian criminal tattooStalin and Lenin - considered sacred, so inmates would tattoo the faces over their hearts and vital organs so guards would not hit or shoot them in that spot of the body. Nowadays these tattoos are rarely used.

Russian criminal tattooStars on knees it means you bow to no authority.

Russian criminal tattooBells - Literally signifies that the wearer will serve his full given sentence, from “bell call to bell call”.

russian prison tattoo

Swastika/nazi symbols - are a sign of rebellion against Russian prison authority. Doesn’t literally mean that the wearer is a nazi sympathiser.

SER - Svoboda Eto Ray - Freedom Is Paradise.
SER in english is Sir.
BARDAK - Knife,woman,drugs,alcohol etc. This is what is killing us.
Bat - Night thief.

Bull - means cruelty and rage.Prisioners with this tattoo are bulls and fighters (who make the physical execution on the orders of the vor v zakone).

MIR - in russian is peace or world but here MIR mean Menia Ispravit Rasstrel - Execution will reform me.

BARS - Bey Aktiv Rezh Suk - Beat Active Cut Bitchs.

Committed a crime in places of deprivation of liberty.

Rose - ruined youth.

A monk writing in a book with a quill pen is a “scribe,” a criminal who is dexterous with a razor, knife, or a sharpened coin. Often, a pickpocket who is extremely skillful at surreptitiously slitting open pockets, handbags, etc.
In russian argot quill is knife,write is cut.

The knife in the neck means that the owner of tattoo someone cutted.
russian prison tattoo

Joker - player of gambling games.
russian prison tattoo

WOLF - VOLK - Voru Otdishka Legavomu Krishka.I had many problems with the translation.VOLK is Thief's Break Heat's Done for or something like that.
russian mafia tattoo

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